Who do
you want to run your country? You want a statesmen running things, that's who. Everytime a Republican uses the word elite like its a bad word, I cringe. Why do we do that?
Elite (also spelled Élite) is taken originally from the Latin, eligere, "to elect". The position of an elite at the top of the social strata almost invariably puts it in a position of leadership. So you want the elite to run our country. By definition!!! Who else?
There are farmers. Sure, we need farmers. We need men that understand how things grow, the best pesticides to use, how genetically enhanced food will eventually start to effect our physical evolution, how to clean water, how to irrigate, how to make dry areas green, how to effectively fertilize without having any ill affects on local water systems. How to thoughtfully bring the grow areas closer to market so that we save on energy and travel costs. We need farmers. We need smart farmers. But we don't need them to run the country.
We need dentists and doctors . We need people who have spent their years learning to keep our bodies healthy and save lives. Dentists and doctors are essential to prevent the spread of massive disease and thereby head off all sorts of economic and environmental disasters. But we don't need one to run our country.
We need teachers. Someone must gather the mistakes of the past, and teach those lessons to us as children, so we can build on that information and offer a better life to our kids. We need teachers to give us basic skills like reading and math and language in order to function effectively in society. We need teachers to introduce us to imagination, art, and music. And at the very least, we need teachers to watch the kids for a few hours so as parents, you can have some sanity. But we don't need a teacher to run the country.
We need builders. Someone has to know how to make brick and mortar, how to create a home, how to make it safe, bring in plumbing and electricity, and construct a family's home base to return to generation after generation. But we don't need a builder to run our country.
We need sheriffs. Someone has to stop those with mad cow disease from killing, raping, stealing, and swindling the rest of us. But we don't need that sheriff to run the country. We need him to run the legal enforcement system.
We need generals. We need those who clearly see chess-like decisions 30 moves ahead and can instill bravery and duty in their men. But we don't need those generals, skilled in the art of war and destruction, to run our country.
We need soldiers. In a time of crisis, we need them to save and rescue. In a time of fear and intrusion and attack, we need those who will rise and defend us. We need those who will follow orders and trust in their commanders to see the bigger picture. But we don't need them to put down their weapons and lead the country.
Leaders should be leaders. Those who listen and engage those around them. Those who amalgamate and gather information. Those who surround themselves with uninterested parties. And if there are special interest people in our leader's inner circle, let them be the type of people who work for the greater good. A leader should be someone who can compromise and negotiate. Those who understand job creation. Someone who is compassionate. We need a leader who can analyze data. Someone who makes friends and allies. A leader should be able to keep the cost of living down. Our leaders should be those who choose peace and can and will build a framework to keep it. Although I am more spiritual than religious, I feel that those who are pious and moral would make the best leaders. Answering to a higher power is always a good motivation for making the best decisions. Leaders should be hopeful and undamaged. We need someone who is as whole emotionally as possible, not someone who could easily have been deeply affected by being kept in a hole.
Leaders should be leaders. Those who have peaceful homes and respect the constitution of family and marriage. Those who are engaging and endearing. Those without bloodlust. Those who do not wish to instigate (audio of McCain on wanting to be where the guns were firing to be inserted here), We need those who deliberate. Those who know its easier to say no, than to say yes, but still chose to say yes. We need problem solvers, peacekeepers, those who can hire well (Rick Davis et al data here). Those who are well informed and instill loyalty. That is to say, if they don't know something, those closest to our leader make sure they find it out, and quickly, almost before anyone else.
Leaders should be leaders. Those who value education above all. Not someone who puts down anyone with an education. A leader of this country should remember the tired, the helpless, the poor. Our leader should understand the incredibly valuable commodity that our country has to offer, opportunity. Our leaders should hold that opportunity dear and do all they can to keep it accessible, abundant, and contemporary. Our leaders should understand that upholding the availability of opportunity is the best export we have and that channeling that opportunity into the green job market would be for the good of our planet. Our leader should be someone who can get the world to join us in our efforts and maybe even recruit those allies to help us fund worldwide green research and implementation. Our leaders should walk the walk and drive a green car to be a good example for the nation. And when our economy is in trouble, we need someone who will sound the alarm, early on (see footage of Obama) and not try to lull the masses (see video of McCain).
Leaders should be leaders. Those who are willing to admit and point out when others are right. Those who can look you in the eye. We need someone you can innately trust. Those who get involved the minute there is a problem, and start working toward a solution (Bush continued to read to the kindergartners on 9/11, McCain stayed in NY two extra days when the economy crashed and did not participate in negotiations). Our leader should know basic geography. For instance, Spain is in Europe, not in Latin America, not in Mexico, and not in our hemisphere. Iraq doesn't border Pakistan.
Leaders should be born leaders. Those who can unite minorities and raise them up to the level of everyone else. The history of the United States is fraught with mistakes, massive slavery of a people, annihilations of the native Americans, persecution of the native Hawaiians, disregard for the native American Eskimos. This legacy must no longer be passed on.
If you look at all the living ex-Presidents, you will see that the 4 or 8 years really age them. They almost seem to age quicker than the rest of us. Maybe its the stress, the lack of sleep, or the critics, but each time the office seems to take its toll. We need someone who can take the ageing element out of being President, by starting out younger.
We need heroes. We do. We treasure them. We look up to them. We respect them. But in a leader, we need someone who will use their reach to gather solutions, not reach out to their minions and encourage them to "kill the other guy." (See different messages that went out from both campaigns. Barack asking for suggestions, McCain asking his camp to continue to slander and defame the other guy.)
Can you honestly say that McCain is this leader?
Our Friend
The Respectful Republican
John McCain - Naval Aviator
John McCain - History of Regulation and Reform
John McCain - Family Man
John McCain - A Steady Hand
John McCain - Former Chairman of Commerce Committee Which Oversees Economy
John McCain - A Case For Solid Change From Bush Adminsitration
John McCain - Fiscal Responsibity
John McCain - Strong Record on Healthcare Reform