Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Do We Create More Jobs In The U.S.?

Job creation...
CSPAN asked 'What Would You Do To Create More Jobs In The U.S.?'

So, I'm thinking, "what do we want most?" Green energy creation on a steep incline of innovation. That's what I'd like to see. Oh yeah, and jobs. So, to begin with, you create a search Commitee designed to gather, vet, and fund green companies with Stimulus money. We would use the defination of green companies/green jobs loosely and fund on a sliding scale based on a combination of several factors including things like the # of jobs created by the money given.

But we want to concentrate on growing the United States Green Industrial Revolution. So, if there will exist any green element of the venture included in the cost of its doing business, there should be grants available for that venture. Larger funding for potential small business/non-profit works would be available for those who promise to work in good faith to be as green as possible.

Corporate greed. Now that has to be dealt with. Howz about we attempt to encourage proper Executive Compensation levels? What say any company that agrees to put a ceiling on compensation levels for their executives, should have access to low interest loans through the Fed. Low interest loans in general would solve alot of problems and the government could make money on the money. If a company agrees to reinvest profits (those available over a certain percentage) back in the company and literally create more jobs, they'd get to the front of the line. I guess basically, we should finacially encourage proper Executive Compensation.

If money is what our business sector listens to, let's talk money with them. Make jobs, get money. Create a green product with a green company, get money. Give raises to those at the lowest levels of your company, get money (for corporations over 100 people or something). Maybe we'd start to foster civil behavior by corporations.

What do YOU think we should do?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Executive Compensation in America

Stayed up late and watched CSPAN. They were talking about correcting the course of executive compensation as it applies to large American corporations that directly effect our economy by their very existence. Currently, we compensate our executives in this country with guaranteed bonuses tied to past performance or nothing in many cases. CSPAN said the American Executive Compensation system is a mess and encourages the prevalent atmosphere of greed and fraud to flourish. Our large corporations (and of course this is a generalization) reward that kind of focus on greed and short term profits for the top execs only, fertilize it, incentivize it, and so mass produce a system of inappropriate syphoning of dollars to the few to the detriment of the many.

Can't we encourage or legislate our corporations of a certain size to base their executive compensation on a calculation made up of the following:
employee happiness levels,
a company sustainability rating,
stock holder earnings and
customer satisfaction?
Can we at least do that with their bonus schedules? Then we would be compensating these executives based on a future business model that would be good for everyone.

Just a thought...Glad to be back, although DC is getting coooooooold for a girl from Maui.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Herding Cats In California: Organizing Delegates for the CA Democratic Party

A Slate For Change was put up and around California by the MyBO .CAN groups with all Obama Supporters. It was all done in less than 10 days and we called about 40% of the winners. We did learn some really good things to learn. Like people are asked to give speeches after the vote in alot of areas. And some ADs, and we know who, said that you could not get a ballot if you didn't pay $5. The Democratic Party sent out a memo on Friday to all that the $5 charge was a donation to cover meeting costs and could be waived for hardship. In one AD the Treasurer of the AD was sitting at the front table where people registered and insisting that you must pay $30 to get a ballot. True.

We learned that slates sometimes make contracts with those on the slate not to be on other slates. Respect. We learned that there is a large group of active Democratic Party members in California that are still sort of annoyed that Hillary wasn't on the ticket and don't like all the youth coming in and don't want to pass the torch let alone share it. We learned that there are some old guard extremely encouraged to see the energy flow in and can't wait to get the kids working for them. We learned we have polished politicos in California who have done their best and are some of the best Democrats in the country.

I was born and raised in California. I've lived in East Bay, Half Moon Bay, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Manhattan Beach, Gardena, Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach. I went to UCLA. We had a place in Lake Arrowhead when I was married and spent too many happy days at Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, and Magic Mountain. I skied in Big Bear when I was younger and love the drive to Vegas. The Renaissance Faire was an annual thing back when it was in Agoura and even after it moved to truck and polyester land. I watched San Diego morph into this shining beautful city. The trip driving up and down the coast and the train where it skims the ocean.
I've been to weddings in Santa Barbara and The City and even had childhood schoolmates get married in my home. I've seen farmer's rebel and I marched as a child with the Compton Unified School district when they went on their famous strike with a little sign that said Power To The Children. I've seen Catalina on a clear day and gone there and swam and dove with the flat orange fish. My father worked for Aerospace in El Segundo almost his entire working life. My stepfather was the President of the Lion's Club and my mother taught at UCLA and Pepperdine. I've rollerskated up and down from Santa Monica to Venice and back (that's right, roller skates) and I love California. I really love California. I hope we can take these lessons and pocket them for next time, and the next state. So much more to learn. So much more to take back.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Second Thoughts on the Auto Industry

Our Auto Industry, in all reality, is the true child of America's Democratic Capitalistic (in a good way) Industrial Revolution, This is not a happy child. This child has been abused and molested and encouraged to follow the wrong path.

We would put a real child in foster care and try to heal them. But there are those who would recommend throwing away the decrepit buildings and facturies along with the CEOs and employees all in one.

Our American Auto Industry, as opposed to our banking industry, is more than an industry, it is the embodiment of American ingenuity and spirit of accomplishment. Putting men and women on those lines working on those cars used to be a proud profession. If any money, unlike that in the banking industry, was to be given to the auto industry, or "loaned" to them, it could be done in that spirit of growth and gleaming leadership in the world.

I don't have the exact answers, but an incentive program would not be difficult to achieve
and I'm not so sure we can depend, or should depend, on the current leaders of that industry to come up with that plan. If I went to a bank for a loan, well, if I went to what we used to think was a bank for say a small business loan, I'm pretty sure the bank wouldn't let me dictate the terms of that loan. Why do we want the auto industry to come up with the terms of this loan?. We do it. We ask our government to form it and insist on investement specifically in updates and factury repair while the development departments are working on the new designs. We start now, on an unprecidented edict for innovation and change. We reinvent the industry and don't stop until we are considered the best in the world, again. We spend our money where we need it spent, out of a responsibility to family and a commitment to communities, and save our working families supporting that industry.

Save the auto workers, save the world.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Auto Industry Dream

Kay, let's focus on the auto industry, shall we?

Just a thought. One of our contributors had this crazy dream last night that he went to Detroit and talked to the guys on the line. This was their idea:

Why don't we ONLY give the auto industry money IF they present plans for a new car. One that would radically change the world's concept of power usage. That is in terms of how humans get around in their daily life. First of them to step up, gets the most money. And less and less for each company in order as they come up with plans they probably just have to dust off. They can keep their CEOs, but they will have a specific amount of time to come out with the prototype or those same executives lose their jobs. Then, a certain amount of time for testing, or they lose their jobs. Then a certain amount of time to get to assembly line or they lose their jobs. I betcha we'd have a radical world changing international lead in innovation overnight. And we'd make money on the deal.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Big Props for Rove

Missed me? Well, I've been awfully busy. And sort of speechless. You see, we won.

We made history. Check.
Make sure we witnessed it. Check.
Celebrate. Check.

Presidential Transition web site. Check.
Name Chief of Staff. Check. (and isn't he's gorgeous?)
Float Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Check.
Crush The Right so hard (sore losers) they start calling us Nazis. Wah?

In point of fact, it would seem, we turned on a Right Wing Propaganda Machine and we can't find the off button.

Wall Street Journal (11/5) said:
"Criticizing our President has been catastrophic to our country, proving to the world what little character and resolve we have."
So, in order to quotethe rest of "their propaganda" properly, I went to find the Wall Street Journal article that The Colbert Report mentioned this last week
which stated: "The GOP, while in power, was brutally victimized by the Democrats. This is the price (demonization) Mr. Bush is paying for trying to work with both Democrats & Republicans." I thought maybe they were kidding.

So I looked it up, and what do I find? A whole bunch of the same. Unbelievable. Look here at the American Sentinel:
This is what they say: "Democrats have been utterly vicious rabid political monsters for years."

This must be a Rove web site. No one is this wrong. Check it out for yourself. The title of the article is, "Do Unto Obama As The Liberals Did Unto Us."

I responded:
"Really? You think doing something you condemn and despise, as in slandering any U.S. leader, is a good idea, now? Hmmm… Be very careful how you sling around that word “stupid.” Treat the government and your elected officials how you yourself would like to be treated, and perhaps we could get something accomplished.

I’m just trying to get this straight. You are calling for treason, speaking out against the government elect, even before they take office. Is that right?

You are bearing false witness against a man who has yet to do anything to harm your way of life. You are actually saying “they” as if somehow because you figured out how to use a computer you are better than “they.” Love it or leave it, Mister. Where’s your patriotism? Speaking out against the future Commander-In-Chief who is to be in charge of our dear troops, and you are planning and plotting before he takes office to make his job running OUR country, MY country, and God help us, even YOUR country difficult just because your side lost. How dare you? Act like an American citizen. Proud to be here and part of the solution. Or shut up."
That's all for now. I have to finish filling out my employment application to work in the Obama-Biden Administration. I hear he's hiring Republicans, too. Maybe this pissant should put his livelihood where his mouth is. (Don't miss that Colbert episode, one of his best)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh sweetie

I just saw you on a tivo'd Colbert Report. You poor thing. You walked right into that and got boo eed off -- and you were just being loyal. Yeah, even back here in Maui I was booing, but that's just part of the Colbert schtick. He loves "getting" someone and you, my dear, got got. And we, as avid fans, who love you too, each and every one of us, booed out of love. It was a playful boo. We wouldn't know how to make it through a weekday without you. Thank God you keep them on point. Thank God you were such a large part, a trim tab in some ways, of the wonderful Obama movement for change. Not your goal, I know, but nonetheless for the last couple of months, you were on national cable television, putting some of us to sleep, in a good way, after Hardball, and Keith had accompanied us through pajamas and cocoa up here in the surprisingly cold mountains of Maui.

The Episode:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Once Upon A Time....

A Word on Love and Marriage.

Marriage was around a long time before the bible was. That's why the good book should not be an instruction guide for who to love. In fact, being gay was around a long time before the bible was. Its horrible and sad and unethical to take away basic human rights of anyone in the U.S. The right to love and marry is a basic human right and should not be controlled by an apparent majority vote of religious centric folk. Its embarrassing and historically something many of us will have to explain to our grandchildren in the future when acceptance is the norm and loving thy neighbor is the true way. It is in fact no one's business who a person loves. Its no one's business who a person marries. Since when does the state decide who you marry in the U.S.? Since this election. Horrible, nasty blight on an otherwise incredibly moving time in history. Bush started this useless debate to distract the public from what he was really doing as President. And those who were told that their religion agreed ate it hook, line and sinker. There are so many beliefs in so many different religions, but no one in the U.S. has passed a law saying I have to cover myself with a veil or pray 6 times a day. No one has passed a law saying I have to fast on certain days and atone for my sins on others. No one has passed a law that I must rest on Saturday or Sunday. Cows are not considered sacred and allowed to roam the streets in the U.S. All these other instructional books from religious organizations aren't allowed to slide over into political and national laws in the U.S. Why should the beliefs of SOME of the U.S. citizens be imposed on others when it comes to love and marriage. Its our generation's version of Jim Crow laws and its wrong on EVERY level. Humans have basic rights. Food, shelter, clothing, love. How dare the few dictate the basic rights of the many because of some book they believe in? If God created everything, then God created people who are gay. Even flowers change their sex when there are too many of one type in an area. It happens with some animals too. So it is completely natural. A book, printed on paper from fallen trees, is not natural. Love is natural. Laws that control who you can love are not natural and are unconstitutional. I, for one, will do everything in my power to have these hateful laws repealed. And those who support them should be ashamed of themselves and the way they let their religious beliefs be hijacked by haters.

Perhaps you can be helpful while we work to repeal it. I am not gay, but I plan to be helpful. I just don't think anyone should be robbed of the happily ever after endings we are all promised from our story books as children. We are all taught as we lay down to sleep and listen to fairy tales from our parents that true love is the goal. Even if you came from a horrible broken home, movies teach the same truism. Placing boundaries on who that true love can be just feels wrong. I don't want to be told who I can and can not love. Do you?

If you should feel the same way, please do something. Protest, or write your Senators or Congressmen. Write to your local paper. Sign petitions that come your way. Make your own video for free at and send it around or post it on You Tube expressing your thoughts. Write your vision for a better America in a letter to Obama at Change.Org. But please, do something. Don't let this incredible momentum be a huge step for mankind, but an embarrasing step backward for humanity.

lisa that one lindo
Twitter: lisalindo
Citizen: The United States Of America -- born and raised!!

P.S. Keith Olbermann may have said it best,when he asked, Why?

Link to his Special Comment:

Friday, November 7, 2008

Just Returned From Grant Park - Hutchinson Field, Chicago...

I've been on such a high, I wore my laminate invite all the way home on the various planes. On the last flight, a Rabbi befriended me as I lay down in the "row" American Airlines so graciously gave me.

I settled in, listening to his mission of practicing mitzvahs (good deads), and my eyes just began closing without permission.

As I started to pass out, I felt a real life size pillow being placed under my head ...and blissfully drifted off with the satisfaction of having fought the fight of the just, and won.

lisa that one lindo

Saturday, November 1, 2008

We Must Fix Voting

We must fix voting.
Our elderly and sick can't wait in line.

We must fix voting.
Registration must be streamlined.

We must fix voting.
We owe it to our founding fathers.

We must fix voting.
No one should have to wait for hours.

We must fix voting.
The decisions are hard enough.

We must fix voting.
There's no excuse for making it this tough.

They run large crowds through Disneyland.
So I would say, Oh, Yes We Can!"

To make it work, and have our say,
We must fix voting, and fix it today!

And for dessert: Our latest short saying goodbye to the bad guys...

Take A Boy Y'All