Saturday, October 25, 2008

What does it say?

This one is startling. Its the story about the white girl who cried 'tall black man wolf', and lied. Not new. But the way the police giving her a lie detector test instead of conducting a witch hunt does show that we have evolved....a bit. Although, it should be mentioned, the cops aren't total idiots to begin with. The B she said was carved into her cheek by the evildoer, was backwards.

MSNBC (video)

I have to disagree with Ms. Maddow. Not everything that woman said was a lie. She said,
"You are going to be an Obama supporter."
She was right, wasn't she.

Missed you guys. Been locked out of AOL, and "our" (my) web site so its been really hard to keep up. Spent a few days in bed with OpEd. Oh, that Ed....he can be such a tease. Placing endorsements and passing along info. Today was Endorse Obama day. So I made a short film, and sent it out to everyone I know:

You Made Me Love You!

So, if you love it, please pass it on or make your own 'Endorse a Candidate' project. Get involved. Get your eagle on. Don't fall for the name calling and fear mongering and tomato throwing. Just be creative and brave and state your opinions like an evolved member or the collective forms of energy of these United States Of America.


P.S. Many of you who know me write in and ask, "Why do you call yourself 'ConcernedMilf'? Simple. Concerned Cougar was taken.

P.P.S. Pray for grandma. She is here in Hawaii. Her injury is such that quite often people will pass on. Use every bit of blue and green light you can muster and project it to her on Ohau. See it wrapping around her and dancing and twirling to heal her. You never know.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

All Hat and No Cattle

Palin's campaign wardrobe has come to $150,000 since 9/4/08. I'd say that's All Hat and No Cattle, wouldn't you? Now, get a load of this:

Per Daily Kos, reported on October 21, 2008

Barack has had to resole his shoes during the campaign. That probably ran him, what? $10 - $50 bucks? Hmmmmmm. "Senator Obama was doing press interviews by telephone in a holding room between events. Sometime later as he was getting ready to begin his event, he asked me if I was photographing his shoes. When I said yes, he told me that he had already had them resoled once since he entered the race a year earlier. Providence, R.I., 3/1/2008." Great photos of his shoes and lots of other campaignin' stuff:

And, of course, we were lucky enough to have historical records. McCain quote from '93:
"The Amendment before The Senate is a very simple one. It restricts the use of campaign funds for inherently personal purposes. The Amendment would restrict individuals from using campaign funds for such things as home mortgage payments, clothing purchases, etc. If we are truly going to have campaign finance reform I do not believe that campaign funds should be used for such things as country club dues and tuxedos.. If we in Congress learned on thing from President Clinton's $200 haircut last week, it should be that the public does not approve of its elected officials being treated as royalty. We should be no different." End McCain Quote
. AND IN '94...McCain quote:
"Campaign fund have been used to buy such items as a Jumb Illuminated Globe from Hammacher Schlemmer, for trips to exotic locals such as Thailand, Taiwan and Italy, and for tuxedos and an unexplainable $299 for bow ties." End McCain Quote #2.
If the Palin wardrobe malfunction wasn't bad enough, it turns out the Republicans sure know how to spend our money. Go ahead, you know you're dying to ask. Who was the highest paid individual in Senator John McCain's presidential campaign during the first half of October as it headed down the homestretch? Not Randy Scheunemann, Mr. McCain's chief foreign policy adviser; not Nicolle Wallace, his senior communications staff member.

It was Amy Strozzi, who was identified by the Washington Post this week as Gov. Sarah Palin's traveling makeup artist, according to a new filing with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday night. Ms. Strozzi, who was nominated for an Emmy award for her makeup work on the television show "So You Think You Can Dance?", was paid $22,800 for the first two weeks of October alone, according to the records.

I've been an agent for a decade and a half. A makeup artist does not need to cost that much money for ANYONE, let alone the gorgeous and photogenic Sarah Palin.

Lisa Lindo aka ConcernedMilf

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Memo To Still President Team

DATE: October 22, 2008
TO: Still President Team

Desperate Times?

Well, that's how it would seem to be playing out for your Palin/McCain campaign. Per Chris Mathews of Hardball, "Every time conditions prevail, that is the current status of things causes McCain's poll numbers to dwindle, McCain cancels, curses, fires, stoops, postpones, distracts, and starts making wild accusations. That is to say, he pulls a 'razzle dazzle,' 'hail mary,' 'bootleg,' 'statue of liberty' play in a scattered move to distract the public from the real issues."

Instead of talking about cleaning up the mess that the current administration -- THAT MEANS YOU MCCAIN, AND YOU TOO GEORGE -- instead of showing us all some sort of Brave New Deal, Cheney you're hiding, Bush is trying to figure out where the ball rolled behind the couch, and Rov is calling the game off. And your love child, the not-so-honorable Senator John McCain is telling the American people "Hey! Look over there!"

As you've probably heard by now, dear Frank, chairman of the Financial Services Committee said, "McCain's trying to pull the longest 'Hail Mary' in the history of either football or Marys."

Last week on Bloomberg News, Chris Buckley, son of William F. Buckley (the recently departed -- God Rest His Blessed Soul), was being interviewed about his new book, "Supreme Courtship." When asked about McCain's name calling and terrorist accusations, he replied, "It's gone beyond saying a Hail Mary. He's saying the whole rosary!"

Name Calling. Inciting crowds to call for mob violence. Taking the Milf on a shopping spree. Saying one day that Obama is a decent family man, and the next calling him an elite, terrorist, socialist muslim.

Really, McCain? Don't you know there are Respectful Republicans out there?

Last night, Buckley made an appearance on the Daily Show where he was quote as saying, "I didn't leave the Republican Party. The Republican Party left me."

You know what, McCain? You're mother dresses you funny.

McCain's Response To McCain's Actions:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Last StarFighter

Ever work so hard that you fall asleep...standing up in the shower? That's it. Just wondering.

Things you find when you are just looking for that which makes us go.

Martial Law Enacted In U.S. October 1, 2008 (Democracy Now Coverage)

Then I found this (hysterical):
U.S. Can Confine Citizens Without Charges. Only funny as a visual. At the time of writing this there was this huge ad on the right of McCain and Palin....
This one is pretty comprehensive. Check out the date it came out. Everything is happening the way they said it. Already

Found this too:
Joan Of Arc
To fight subversive activities, there was authorization for the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of martial rule. (Wikipedia under Rex84) -- --

Subversive activities now officially include quoting The Constitution. No, I'm not kidding.

This must be the best Halloween Hoax ever. I can't remember the last time I was really scared, and, I'm including Saw III.

Garden Plot
"the potential threat FEMA and this plan pose to civil liberties if fully implemented in a real operation--are taken seriously by scholars and civil liberties activists.[6] In 2008, for the first time an active military unit has been given a dedicated assignment stateside for civil unrest containment. It is assigned to Northcom, a joint command established in 2002 to provide command and control for federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities.[7] (Wikipedia, now)

What is Bush doing in his last months in office while we are all busy looking the other way? O.K. sure, I haven't gotten alot of sleep, and sure, this is real far fetched, but I'm focusing a little energy on how best to keep the peace during this election period so Martial Law can't be "needed." Best to use our noodles.

I think I'll go sailing tomorrow and take my mind off things. See you Sunday.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Little Red Riding Wolfowitz

The Buck Really Did Stop With This Guy

What ever happened to Wolfowitz? He sold us the war in Iraq as a two second venture, then went to the World Bank and was almost the first President to be fired by said bank. Now this same Wolfowitz who sheepishly slunk out of the limelight for most of this year is the same Wolfowitz to lead Bush's New International Security Advisory Board. Wolfowitz, sort of sounds like a Nazi name, don't you think? How is he qualified for this position? And what is this board to do? To give our government advice on Weapons of Mass Destruction. On his first day up, he recommends spending money on nukes to keep us competitive with the damn Communists, Red China. Now. In this economic climate????? Is he kidding?????

May 14, 2007 (Flashback)
The executive board of the World Bank mulled a possible vote of no confidence in the leadership of its president, Paul Wolfowitz, this weekend. How did the renowned neoconservative and former deputy secretary of defense, a primary architect of the Iraq war, come to these straits? Is he, as he claims, the victim of a smear campaign by those who dislike his politics? Or do the charges of favoritism and nepotism reflect genuine character flaws?

The small morality play unfolding at the World Bank tells us something significant about how the United States became bogged down in the Iraq quagmire when Wolfowitz was highly influential at the Department of Defense. The simple fact is that Wolfowitz has throughout his entire career demonstrated a penchant for cronyism and for smearing and marginalizing perceived rivals as tactics for getting his way. He has been arrogant and highhanded in dismissing the views of wiser and more informed experts, exhibiting a narcissism that is also apparent in his personal life. Indeed, these tactics are typical of what might be called the "neoconservative style."

Soon after becoming head of the World Bank, Wolfowitz lapsed into his typical favoritism, even while he was, ironically, decrying the technique as practiced by governments of the global South. Instead of having an open search for some key positions and allowing for promotions from within, Wolfowitz simply installed Republicans from the Bush administration in high positions with enormous salaries. He brought Kevin Kellems from Dick Cheney's office (where he had been communications director) and gave him a tax-free salary said to have been as high as $250,000 a year. As Wolfowitz's new senior advisory, Kellems was leap-frogged over hundreds of officials with serious credentials in development work, something about which he knew little. When representing Cheney, Kellems went to great lengths to defend the vice president's implausible conspiracy theory linking Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.

Another controversial Wolfowitz appointment was Robin Cleveland, whom he made his assistant. She had been an aide to Sen. Mitch McConnell and then associate director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. She had been implicated in a corruption and nepotism scandal at the Pentagon, but the Department of Defense had determined it did not have jurisdiction to investigate her. In 2003, while at the OMB, she had lobbied then Secretary of the Air Force James Roche to get her brother a job at defense contractor Northrop Grumman, where Roche had been an executive. Though, like Kellems, she lacked experience in international development, she also received a reported quarter of a million dollars a year in compensation at the World Bank. And also like Kellems, she is alleged to have been an abrasive and abusive boss.

Wolfowitz appointee Juan José Daboub quietly began changing World Bank policy on contraception,presumably as a favor to the Bush administration, which depends heavily on the Christian right for support. Daboub, who had been close to the right-wing government of El Salvador, ordered all references to family planning removed from a strategy document for Madagascar. Bank officials were said by the Financial Times to have been afraid that the World Bank's long-standing focus on contraception in forestalling disease was being changed by Daboub, and that poor women would suffer as a result. When the story surfaced, Wolfowitz told National Public Radio that the bank had made no changes in policy on contraceptives. Experienced, high-level World Bank officials began resigning in droves as they saw Wolfowitz institute a reign of cronies with little development experience and massive salaries. The management style of the newcomers, cliquish among themselves and harsh toward outsiders, alienated those who remained.

None of these appointments, however unpopular, proved Wolfowitz's undoing. It was the provisions he made for his girlfriend, Shaha Ali Riza, that finally blew up in his face. She had been working at the bank since the late 1990s, and the two had become involved when she divorced her husband and he became estranged from his wife. Wolfowitz made his relationship with Riza public when it became clear Bush would nominate Wolfowitz to head the bank. Bank ethics rules did not allow him to oversee a lover and set her salary, though he initially insisted that he could recuse himself from such decisions while functioning as her superior. The bank's ethics officials said no to this proposed arrangement. He then had her transferred to the Near Eastern Affairs Bureau of the State Department to work with Elizabeth Cheney, the daughter of the vice president. He arranged such extraordinary salary increases for her that she ended up being better paid than Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

World Bank Group Association, which represents the institution's 13,000 employees, sent around a memo pointing out that the pay raises received by Riza were twice what bank rules allowed.Charges of nepotism and corruption flew. Then renewed attention was given to a 2003 incident in which Douglas Feith, at the time Wolfowitz's deputy, had briefly detailed Riza to a Defense Department contractor as a consultant on Iraq democratization, and arranged for her to receive $17,000 for a month's worth of work.

(Thus George W. Bush, the 43rd Still President of The United States allowed completely non competent people into the group of Consultants on Iraq Democratization AND YET, he just signed an Executive Order to seize all property with NO NOTICE of anyone who should be found to "threaten stability in Iraq." And this same man, this man who encouraged, placed, arranged, transfered, and oversaw the career of said woman who gave him a Riza, is now going to run our International Security Advisory Board ogive our government advice on Weapons of Mass Destruction.)

Ah huh.

So what ended up happening at the World Bank anyway? A special subcommittee of the executive board of the bank found late last week that Wolfowitz had in fact broken ethics rules.He has been insisting that he will not resign, even though large numbers of his own employees are openly signing petitions against him.

The management techniques that got Wolfowitz in trouble at the World Bank mirrored those he used at the Pentagon to get up the Iraq war. Without cronyism, tag-teaming, and running circles around opponents of the war such as Secretary of State Colin Powell and CIA Director George Tenet, the pro-war cabal could never have persuaded Bush to launch the conflict or persuaded the American public to support it. State Department officials have complained bitterly about meetings called by Wolfowitz and others on Iraq in 2002, to which some relevant officials were pointedly not invited, or where the agenda was prearranged and rigidly stage-managed so as to ensure that only neoconservative points of view were heard.

Other officials have spoken of being spied on by the neocons at the Department of Defense, to the point where they were reprimanded for cartoons or posters that they had hung on their office doors.

Wow. This is not acceptable.
"Hitler had 98% of the vote.
Yes, Hitler was voted into power.
He didn't jump straight to putting people on trains
and sending them off to the camps.
He evolved his strategy.
First step was to remove those who cried out against his governing style.
Every dissenter was rounded up, quietly,
then killed or camped.
How bad would things have to get
until you would have done something?
Do they have to license all of our activities?
Do they have to take away ALL your property?
Do they have to throw you on a FEMA train before you say, "Hey! "
How long before you finally resist and say, "No, I will not comply."
Constitutional Professor Michael Badnarik's
speaking to his class on
World War II and the active role compliance plays
in closing an open society

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Right To Left

No time to do full analysis here, now. Suffice it to say, McCain is becoming the Elephant in the corner.

You just got nominated as the first GOP (F) VP.
What ya gonna do know? I'm going to Disneyland!!!

The Independent (UK)
October 13, 2008
Republican leaders break ranks with McCain
Senior members of the Republican party are in open mutiny against John McCain's presidential campaign, after a disastrous period which has seen Barack Obama solidify his lead in the opinion polls.

From inside and outside his inner circle, Mr McCain is being told to settle on a coherent economic message and to tone down attacks on his rival which have sometimes whipped up a mob-like atmosphere at Republican rallies.

Two former rivals for the party nomination, Mitt Romney and Tommy Thompson, went on the record over the weekend about the disarray in the Republican camp. And a string of other senior party figures said Mr McCain's erratic performance risks taking the party down to heavy losses not just in the presidential race but also in contests for Congressional seats. Mr Thompson, a former governor of the swing state of Wisconsin, said he thought Mr McCain, on his present trajectory, would lose the state, and he told a New York Times reporter he was not happy with the campaign. "I don't know who is," he added. Some Republicans seeking election to Congress have begun distancing themselves from Mr McCain.

In Nebraska, a Republican representative, Lee Terry, ran a newspaper ad featuring support from a woman who called herself an "Obama-Terry voter". With just over three weeks to go to election day, a new Reuters/Zogby tracking poll showed the Democratic candidate gaining momentum during the past week. From a two-point lead four days ago, the latest reading has Mr Obama up 6 points. A Gallup poll yesterday put him at plus-7 per cent.

Senior Republicans have sharply conflicting views about the direction the McCain campaign should take, with some arguing that their candidate has not hit Mr Obama hard enough on the shady associates from his past. The issue of the Rev Jeremiah Wright, Mr Obama's former pastor, whose incendiary speeches about white racism almost derailed the Democrat's primary race, should be brought back on to the table by Mr McCain, many are counselling. Mr McCain, however, has ruled that issue off-limits, for fear of being accused of playing a race card.

Reining in the party's supporters may be hard. A minister delivering the invocation at a rally on Saturday asked Christians to pray for a McCain win. "There are millions of people around this world praying to their god – whether it's Hindu, Buddha, Allah – that his opponent wins, for a variety of reasons," said Arnold Conrad, the former pastor of Grace Evangelical Free Church in Davenport. (Of course Hindu is not a God, its a religion. Hmmph)

The press was quoting one Congressman today who compared McCain to the late Alabama segregationist George Wallace. "Senator McCain and Governor Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division," he said. "George Wallace never threw a bomb. He never fired a gun, but he created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights."

Tip Your Waitress

Well, the results are in. We all know that Sarah Palin was found guilty of an abuse of power. That's not the story.

The fact that Palin said to the press today, after a weekend of thinking about how she should respond,
"I'm very, very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrong doing in regards to Trooper Wooten. If they feel that he belongs in his job, then they should know. If they feel Trooper Wooten is capable and qualified......yada, yada, yada."
You know what? Funny thing. Troopergate was about Monegan, not Wooten. Sure the thing she harrassed Monegan about was Wooten. But it was the inappropriate ACTUAL firing of Monegan that was being investigated. If you listen again to her soundbite response, you'll hear her constantly emphasis being cleared in regards to Wooten.

Oh, Sarah, you're a tricky one. Still, not the story.

The fact that during this period, Todd Palin said he was not a regular visitor to the Palin Offices because he was working on building their home, now that's interesting.

Of course, we need to step back a moment. One of the largest, arguably THE LARGEST thing to happen in Wasilla since the history of Wasilla, was the awarding of a contract to build a $12 million sports center. You know who was awarded that contract? None other than the son of the head of the GOP for Alaska. You betcha.

And you know that house that Todd was building. Well, it started construction only 2 months before Palin was to leave office. All of the construction materials for the Palin's brand new $12 million dollar home that Todd built with his bare hands were donated by the same contractor/GOP's native son's construction company. Yeah. I guess the guys over at Alaska's Acme Contruction really know how to say, "thank you. "

We'll be here all week. Tip your waitress.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Headless Horseman Of The Apocalypse

We are taking a day off. Why? Well, per:
we have some Xmas shopping to do. So, here's a news flashback from October 26, 2006. It's getting all scary out there in preperation for Halloween. Enjoy the scare!!

News Flashback (10/26/2006)
In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed into law a provision which will actually encourage the President to declare federal martial law. It does so by revising the Insurrection Act, a set of laws that limits the President's ability to deploy troops within the United States. The Insurrection Act has historically, along with the Posse Comitatus Act, helped to enforce strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement. With one cloaked swipe of his pen, Bush is seeking to undo those prohibitions.

The "John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007," which was signed by the commander in chief on October 17th, 2006, in a private Oval Office ceremony, allows the President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governor or local authorities, in order to "suppress public disorder."

President Bush seized this unprecedented power on the very same day that he signed the equally odious Military Commissions Act of 2006. In a sense, the two laws complement one another. One allows for torture and detention abroad, while the other seeks to enforce acquiescence at home, preparing to order the military onto the streets of America.

see also: Martial Law Enacted in U.S. (video title is a link)
October, 2008


Army Times (words are the link)
September 30, 2008

Remember, the term for putting an area under military law enforcement control is precise; the term is "martial law."

Bush's new law that grants the Pentagon another $500-plus-billion for its ill-advised adventures, is entitled, "Use of the Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies." Section 333, "Major public emergencies; interference with State and Federal law" states that "the President may employ the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal service, to restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any State or possession of the United States, in which the President determines that domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or possession are incapable of ("refuse" or "fail" in) maintaining public order, "in order to suppress, in any State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy."
Wow. This is real folks. Ain't no War Of The Worlds here,
yet. Drink some coffee, get on comfortable clothes, and let's learn together.
For the Still President Bush, "enforcement of the laws to restore public order" means to commandeer guardsmen from any state, over the objections of local governmental, military and local police entities; ship them off to another state; conscript them in a law enforcement mode; and set them loose against "disorderly" citizenry - protesters, possibly, or those who object to forced vaccinations and quarantines in the event of a bio-terror event.The law also facilitates militarized police round-ups and detention of protesters, so called "illegal aliens," "potential terrorists" and other "undesirables" for detention in facilities already contracted for and under construction by Halliburton.


That's right. Under the cover of a trumped-up "immigration emergency" and the frenzied militarization of the southern border, detention camps are being constructed right under our noses, camps designed for anyone who resists the foreign and domestic agenda of the Bush administration.

An article on "recent contract awards" in a recent issue of the slick, insider "Journal of Counterterrorism & Homeland Security International" reported that "global engineering and technical services powerhouse KBR [Kellog, Brown & Root] announced in January 2006 that its Government and Infrastructure division was awarded an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract to support U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities in the event of an emergency."

"With a maximum total value of $385 million over a five year term," the report notes, "the contract is to be executed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers," "for establishing temporary detention and processing capabilities to augment existing ICE Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) - in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs."

"There are 3,768 that have been built in the U.S. since this original story surfaced. They are staffed, fully funded, and do reflect current Army policy. (Reported as early as March 1997 on Google) Look it up for yourself"
The report points out that "KBR is the engineering and construction subsidiary of Halliburton." So, the new law, signed by the president in a private White House ceremony, further collapses the historic divide between the police and the military: a tell-tale sign of a rapidly consolidating police state in America, all accomplished amidst ongoing U.S. imperial pretensions of global domination, sold to an "emergency managed" and seemingly willfully gullible public as a "global war on terrorism.

"Make no mistake about it: the de-facto repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) is an ominous assault on American democratic tradition and jurisprudence. The 1878 Act, which reads, "Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both," is the only U.S. criminal statute that outlaws military operations directed against the American people under the cover of 'law enforcement.' As such, it has been the best protection we've had against the power-hungry intentions of an unscrupulous and reckless executive, an executive intent on using force to enforce its will. Unfortunately, this past week, the president dealt posse comitatus, along with American democracy, a near fatal blow.

Consequently, it will take an aroused citizenry to undo the damage wrought by this horrendous act, part and parcel, as we have seen, of a long train of abuses and outrages perpetrated by this authoritarian administration.

Give me Liberty (video)
Despite the unprecedented and shocking nature of this act, there has been no outcry in the American media, and little reaction from our elected officials in Congress. 2007's Defense Authorization Act contained a "widely opposed provision to allow the President more control over the National Guard [adopting] changes to the Insurrection Act, which will make it easier for this or any future President to use the military to restore domestic order WITHOUT the consent of the nation's governors.

Invoking the Insurrection Act and using the military for law enforcement activities goes against some of the central tenets of our democracy. On the 9/29/2006, Leahy entered into the Congressional Record that he had "grave reservations about certain provisions of the fiscal Year 2007 Defense Authorization Bill Conference Report," the language of which, he said, "subverts solid, longstanding posse comitatus statutes that limit the military's involvement in law enforcement, thereby making it easier for the President to declare martial law." This had been "slipped in," Leahy said, "as a rider with little study," while "other congressional committees with jurisdiction over these matters had no chance to comment, let alone hold hearings on, these proposals."

In a telling bit of understatement, the Senator from Vermont noted that "the implications of changing the (Posse Comitatus) Act are enormous". "There is good reason," he said, "for the constructive friction in existing law when it comes to martial law declarations. Using the military for law enforcement goes against one of the founding tenets of our democracy."

How could Congress have gotten to this point? It seems the changes to the Insurrection Act have survived the Conference because the Pentagon and the White House want it."The historic and ominous re-writing of the Insurrection Act, accomplished in the dead of night, which gives Bush the legal authority to declare martial law, is now an accomplished fact.

The law facilitates the "transfer" of the newest in so-called "crowd control" technology and other weaponry designed to suppress dissent from the Pentagon to local militarized police units.

It has become clear in recent months that a critical mass of the American people have seen through the lies of the Bush administration; with the Republican's economic rule at an historic low, growing resistance to the war Iraq, and the Democrats likely to take back the White House, the Bush administration is on the ropes. And so it is particularly worrying that President Bush has seen fit, at this juncture to, in effect, declare himself dictator.

McCain on running the country (with video)
October 1, 2008
"I've always aspired to be..."
Views as of this posting: 13,126

Bush speech (video)
January 20, 2007
"I'm the dictator."
Views as of this posting: 33,215

Bush on terrorists (video)
September 20, 2006
"We always must be forward thinking."
Views as of this posting:197,776

Bush press conference (video)
April 9, 2007
"It would be easier if..."
Views as of this posting: 51,806

Bush on running the country (video)
July 17, 2006
"That's ok."
Views as of this posting: 57,592

Bush/McCain on preference for dictatorship.
October 2, 2008
Once might be funny, not, but more then once?

On knowing about 9/11 plan (video)
September 2007
"There's times for politics"
(Um. but we do know you knew. There was a memo. We all know that.)
Views as of this posting: 25,838

Bush, on torture, probable cause... (video)
July 28, 2006
On info Wars, etc.
Views as of this posting: 31,174

Countdown with Keith Olbmerann (video)
May 11, 2006
"Get criminal and get made."
The one with Jonathan Turley (see his book).
"Bush's rogue's gallery included those who had either been convicted or pleaded guilty to crimes earlier in their careers working with Reagen and Bush Sr., as well as those who many thought should have been indicted, i.e. Elliot Abrams - misdeamenor gate, John Poindexter - 3strikes gate, Otto Reisch - propaganda gate, et al. One has to notice that, and wonder why, Bush seemed to reach out to people who had, or appeared to have, broken the law. In addition, those who had appeared to have broken the law had a rapid ascent within the Bush Administration. You have to wonder if this was sudddenly criteria for moving up quickly, why he seems to like people who are willing to go to the edge of the law, and beyond it to achieve what he feels is a worthy purpose." History will find that the "do nothing" Congress got its nickmane from not investigating the NSA. Congress even gave Bush a standing ovation when he promosed to renew the NSA practices in his State Of The Union." (We suggest you google NSA, General Hayden, and his $2 billion Trailblazer. Hayden, former head of NSA is now head of CIA) Views as of this posting: 178,596

P.S. Every ten minutes or so the links on this page disappear. Copy and paste so you can save.

Happy Halloween

Dear Citizens of Earth:

Something very interesting happening on Earth today. Something really scary. Wanna see something really scary?



U.S. Civilian Concentration Camps

U.S. Coffins

Martial Law one that we found

or just type in Martial Law

Civil Liberties

RNC 2008

or do the same search on YOU TUBE.

or 'NO I WILL NOT COMPLY' at You Tube

This is the only helpful info we have so far:


Something very not so amusing but FUCKING scary happening on Earth today. Thrilled to be wrong on this one. Pray that I'm wrong. Today I would like to be Chicken Little. Happy Halloween.
If you find out I'm wrong, or you know I'm wrong, then give me a head's up and I hope you enjoyed your pre-holiday scare.

If its true, Let Freedom Ring.

We say these things because we never forgot

See Also,

I'll update the info on those links as I research...

Pssst.....Do Something. Pass it On. Boo!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Our Mad Doe

We love her. She was on Leno.

She was adorable, nervous, and bespectacled.

She should be running things, but we need her as a pundit. A very fast talking, brilliant, thoughtful, funny, charming, open minded pundit.

Shout out to Grandma. From now on, we say it right.

Our Mad Doe.

Love you girl

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

From The Christian Portal

Our web site went down. They were THREE different web sites linked tenuously together, and oddly enough, ALL THREE went down at the same time. As a result, we had a little time to kill today at 'The Buck Stops Here' headquarters. The following was gathered from Politico, MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show, The Christian Portal (Shout out), and the web site for the very religious Sarah Palin's Wasilla Bible Church. Let me introduce you...

The faith journey of Sarah Palin is that of a 'Bible-believing Christian.'

The explicitly nondenominational Wasilla Bible Church was started more than 30 years ago by a small group of families. The word "Bible" was included in the church's name to reflect the Scripture's centrality in the lives of Christians, says pastor Larry Kroon. In interpreting the Bible, he says, "we try to get at the author's intent" by considering the text as well as its history and structure. (Really? Interpreting the Torah? Now, that's a jewish to do, isn't it?) Sarah Palin was quoted as saying to the The Weekly Standard who reports that Reporters ask whether Palin has ever spoken in tongues. Her spokeswoman has said that Palin doesn't consider herself a Pentecostal. (I guess speaking in tongues is just a Pentecostal thing. Who knew?) A friend of Palin's told the New York Times that her family left Wasilla Assembly of God for Wasilla Bible in part because the latter's ministry was "less extreme." Exactly what Palin may have found "extreme" at Wasilla Assembly of God is unclear.

In any case, Palin retains an evident affection for Wasilla Assembly of God, as does the church for her. So much, they kept a record.

Video of Wasilla Assembly of God:

Countdown on MSNBC with video of Wasilla's Former Mayor's Favorite Pastor's Witch hunt:

Rachel Maddow Show with video of Palin's Fairy Godmother praying that Christians take the banking industry from the Jewish Israelites: God's judgement on the Jews, for not believing in Christ, is well documented (downloadable in MP3 form, in fact) in a sermon by David Brickner at Wasilla Bible Church from August 17th, 2008. That's right. This year. Hear the sermon yourself at: They explain clearly why "God called for the destruction of Israel, and why it's important that Jews accept this reality and ask God for forgiveness". The sermon, popularly known as "The Jerusalem Dilemma," covers how "stiff-necked jews practice a great deal of mysticism within the Jew's Israeli communities found in the Upper Galilee area". The preparation for the campaign to fight this behavior was presented as "well under way and part of an overall 6 year program". One of their young bible christians, Isaac, reports on the status of the evangelistic campaign and this one young man's recent trip to Israel. This church's second crusade ministry will "include the areas of Tiberius and Svatz" (spelling?). They are focusing on those cities because they "have found a bedrock of mysticism and occult behaviors among the Jewish community there." He described the seminars that were held during the first year's crusade "to work with the non believing Jews," and how it was really "helping him deal with his own non believing Jewish family." The Bible Church's presentation added that "it was important for this mission to be enacted corporately as well as individually" and that by converting these Jews "there would be alot of opportunity." (What does that mean?) They discuss how to equip the youth of the Church to "minister to Jews, share the gospel, and get those The Jews to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior." According to church's pastor "God had to book Brickner for this speech three (3) years ahead of time because his schedule was that full". Hmmmm.God bless technology.

Lisa Lindo
(currently neutralized by The Man)

Shout out to my mother, who like the teacher Sarah mentioned during the Vice Presidential debate, also taught 3rd grade elementary school. Except she taught it in Compton, and as a child, many, many years ago, I marched with her in protest, like people did in the 60's, during the well documented Compton Union Teacher's Strike. I don't know if it could be found, but I showed up on the front of the Los Angeles Times, carrying the little sign that read, "Power To The Children." -- True Story (of course my mother keeps her computer in the box it came in because she doesn't want it to get dusty, so she'll probably never see this. Love you, Mom.)

Think Republican, Vote Obama....McCain's Been Put On Ebay

Give me a D! Give me a double D! What's that spell? Palin!

In the past, when she ran for Alaska governor, she freely admitted to a reporter that she got a "D" in macroeconomics in college. per ABC News.

Save The Cheerleader, Save The World. I'm starting to hallucinate. How many days without sleep can you go before you start imagining McCain dropping a pencil for Wasilla's former Mayor to bend over and pick up, over and over and over.

That's it. I'm gonna take a nap. First one in a month. I'm tired of looking for things that makes us go and plastering them on my website. I'm gonna go pray. I'm a Jew with a fake Repulican Colbert like tounge in cheek sort of blog thing and I'm gonna go pray to Aina, the female God of the earth, to handle McCain in the appropriate way. Please Aina, give him strength. Give him
peaceful rest. Give him brilliant ideas and the time to impliment them. Give him helpers and voters and hope and the hopeful. Bless him and keep him and help him guide us.

Y'all know I'm talkin' bout Mr. O, right? Laterz

Lisa "That One" Lindo

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Uncovering Googlegate: McCain Wants My Money. How Mcain hijacked The Google and The Message during the U.S.A. Elections '08

It's a trick. It's a trick on Google.

It's a trick that works like this:

You think you are going to the most trusted & preferred site for searches, Google. You're looking for when the next Presidential Debate is, so you go to Google. As we all know, on Google you can look up information on any particular subject and it instantly takes you to the answer.

This is just like when Captain Kirk would call out and ask the ship's computer a question, only you kinda have to do some typing. How amazing it is to live in this age of information.

Just one thing. The first link that comes up on the page sends you directly to give McCain money. There is no info about any debates on that page. None. (See screen capture upper left)

"Next Presidential Debate" = Make A Contribution in the world APalin

You're expecting a listing of links that can answer your question, but disguised as the first listing on the page is a link that takes you to that ad for McCain. In fact, this fake ad that looks like a Google Listing with answers, is at the top of a lot of Google Site Search Pages. See where it sends you in person:

Notice, McCain's campaign refers to this link inhouse as McCainPalinVictoryGoogleLanding.

Nothing on that page in any way tells you about any debate, past, present or future. You were flying around free on the information superhighway, and he hijacked the plane and brought you in for a "landing" directly into the middle of his bank account.

I can't believe I'm seeing this. I'm taking a big deep breath. Annoying, he is.

He can buy Google, which it could easily be argued is a monopoly. He can make Google funnel money to him all day. But, he can't buy us. He can't buy us. He Can't Buy Me!

Hijacking the Internet, The Google, The Information Superhighway is surely the worst form of domestic terrorism. So bad in fact, even the bad guys hadn't thought of it. Until now.

Today I went to get cash off my credit cards. I had been charging with them, that still worked. My Wamu card didn't of course. But, and I hope you're sitting down, on all of the 11 cards I tried to get cash off of, every one said Inelligible Transaction. not Invalid Pin, not Insufficient Funds, just Inelligible Transaction. Gulp.

Carl Rove, damn you. Damn you to hell!@!! I'm gonna go cry now.
Link in the ad that looks like a google listing on the top of that page:
And now your through the looking glass.

In an effort to fulfill equal time obligations, Barack has an ad too.

His is always clearly listed like an ad should be on the right side of the Google page. See: If you go to his ad, you are treated to a clip of a debate and offered all debates on video to be sent to you for free. He doesn't even mention donating on the page the ad sends you to. He offers information.

Look for yourself. Make your own conclusions.

Get your Google on. And then go vote.

Lisa "That One" Lindo

Our Debate Wrap Up

Barack to McCain, "I see your Megan Mullally, and I raise you a Warren Buffet!"

McCain to Mr. O, "I see your 9/11 and I raise you a Holocaust."



In A Whisper

If you are not of the same beliefs as I, look away from the keyboard now. I'll wait. O.K., for the rest of you platinum member, dog loving, BBQ drinking, bingo players out're gonna love this.
Everytime I type the name Karl Rove in my keyboard, the words near those on the
page get eaten by some sort of trojan horse virus. It got into my contact
list. It harrassed all of my contacts and locked me out of the web
sites. ALL THREE.

Sorry to yell. I nead a nap and a cuddle.


Oh, the places you'll go.

Went to look up information on when the next Presidential Debate was. So exhausted that I forgot to check. My mom asked me, and I didn't know what to tell her.

So I went to Google. I typed in

"Debate When"
looking for answers to those words from the great Google Gods in the sky. There was an ad on the right side of the page of answers that The Google sent me, an ad where you can usually find sponsored links, saying "Obama won the last debate".

Where does that ad lead you, we wondered?

To a page where Obama shows you a clip of the ACTUAL DEBATE. I got what I was looking for. Debate informaton. In fact, Obama offered to send me copies of all the debates to see for myself if I wanted:

Obama's page does not ask you for money in exchange for information you are looking for. Cut and paste the link for yourself. Go there, see the debates.

Do your own research. Get your eagle on.

Crying Wolfe

A Message From Naomi Wolfe on her New Book GIVE ME LIBERTY, A handbook for American revolutionaries.

She is the one who came out with the list of 10 signs of a fascist state, in order to warn of the loss of our civil liberties.

Please see and listen. Thank you.

10 steps to closing an open society or crushing a democracy...The actions of a would be dictator...

1. Hyping of an internal and outside threat by the government
2. Creation of secret jails outside the legal system with torture
3. Paramilitary Force created and not answerable to the people
4. Survellience etc.

She discusses her new book of how other societies have fought back when this happened before. When the revolutionaries took back America .

Become your own media, frame the debates, write your own OpEd. has a film to watch.

Do it now. You'll want to tell everyone you know. Do your own research. Get your Eagle on.

(As I type, I'm locked out of AOL. I don't know. I think I must be saying something right)

Baby its cold, outside

Technical difficulties. Stand By.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Fearless Leader

Who do you want to run your country? You want a statesmen running things, that's who. Everytime a Republican uses the word elite like its a bad word, I cringe. Why do we do that?

Elite (also spelled Élite) is taken originally from the Latin, eligere, "to elect". The position of an elite at the top of the social strata almost invariably puts it in a position of leadership. So you want the elite to run our country. By definition!!! Who else?

There are farmers. Sure, we need farmers. We need men that understand how things grow, the best pesticides to use, how genetically enhanced food will eventually start to effect our physical evolution, how to clean water, how to irrigate, how to make dry areas green, how to effectively fertilize without having any ill affects on local water systems. How to thoughtfully bring the grow areas closer to market so that we save on energy and travel costs. We need farmers. We need smart farmers. But we don't need them to run the country.

We need dentists and doctors . We need people who have spent their years learning to keep our bodies healthy and save lives. Dentists and doctors are essential to prevent the spread of massive disease and thereby head off all sorts of economic and environmental disasters. But we don't need one to run our country.

We need teachers. Someone must gather the mistakes of the past, and teach those lessons to us as children, so we can build on that information and offer a better life to our kids. We need teachers to give us basic skills like reading and math and language in order to function effectively in society. We need teachers to introduce us to imagination, art, and music. And at the very least, we need teachers to watch the kids for a few hours so as parents, you can have some sanity. But we don't need a teacher to run the country.

We need builders. Someone has to know how to make brick and mortar, how to create a home, how to make it safe, bring in plumbing and electricity, and construct a family's home base to return to generation after generation. But we don't need a builder to run our country.

We need sheriffs. Someone has to stop those with mad cow disease from killing, raping, stealing, and swindling the rest of us. But we don't need that sheriff to run the country. We need him to run the legal enforcement system.

We need generals. We need those who clearly see chess-like decisions 30 moves ahead and can instill bravery and duty in their men. But we don't need those generals, skilled in the art of war and destruction, to run our country.

We need soldiers. In a time of crisis, we need them to save and rescue. In a time of fear and intrusion and attack, we need those who will rise and defend us. We need those who will follow orders and trust in their commanders to see the bigger picture. But we don't need them to put down their weapons and lead the country.

Leaders should be leaders. Those who listen and engage those around them. Those who amalgamate and gather information. Those who surround themselves with uninterested parties. And if there are special interest people in our leader's inner circle, let them be the type of people who work for the greater good. A leader should be someone who can compromise and negotiate. Those who understand job creation. Someone who is compassionate. We need a leader who can analyze data. Someone who makes friends and allies. A leader should be able to keep the cost of living down. Our leaders should be those who choose peace and can and will build a framework to keep it. Although I am more spiritual than religious, I feel that those who are pious and moral would make the best leaders. Answering to a higher power is always a good motivation for making the best decisions. Leaders should be hopeful and undamaged. We need someone who is as whole emotionally as possible, not someone who could easily have been deeply affected by being kept in a hole.

Leaders should be leaders. Those who have peaceful homes and respect the constitution of family and marriage. Those who are engaging and endearing. Those without bloodlust. Those who do not wish to instigate (audio of McCain on wanting to be where the guns were firing to be inserted here), We need those who deliberate. Those who know its easier to say no, than to say yes, but still chose to say yes. We need problem solvers, peacekeepers, those who can hire well (Rick Davis et al data here). Those who are well informed and instill loyalty. That is to say, if they don't know something, those closest to our leader make sure they find it out, and quickly, almost before anyone else.

Leaders should be leaders. Those who value education above all. Not someone who puts down anyone with an education. A leader of this country should remember the tired, the helpless, the poor. Our leader should understand the incredibly valuable commodity that our country has to offer, opportunity. Our leaders should hold that opportunity dear and do all they can to keep it accessible, abundant, and contemporary. Our leaders should understand that upholding the availability of opportunity is the best export we have and that channeling that opportunity into the green job market would be for the good of our planet. Our leader should be someone who can get the world to join us in our efforts and maybe even recruit those allies to help us fund worldwide green research and implementation. Our leaders should walk the walk and drive a green car to be a good example for the nation. And when our economy is in trouble, we need someone who will sound the alarm, early on (see footage of Obama) and not try to lull the masses (see video of McCain).

Leaders should be leaders. Those who are willing to admit and point out when others are right. Those who can look you in the eye. We need someone you can innately trust. Those who get involved the minute there is a problem, and start working toward a solution (Bush continued to read to the kindergartners on 9/11, McCain stayed in NY two extra days when the economy crashed and did not participate in negotiations). Our leader should know basic geography. For instance, Spain is in Europe, not in Latin America, not in Mexico, and not in our hemisphere. Iraq doesn't border Pakistan.

Leaders should be born leaders. Those who can unite minorities and raise them up to the level of everyone else. The history of the United States is fraught with mistakes, massive slavery of a people, annihilations of the native Americans, persecution of the native Hawaiians, disregard for the native American Eskimos. This legacy must no longer be passed on.

If you look at all the living ex-Presidents, you will see that the 4 or 8 years really age them. They almost seem to age quicker than the rest of us. Maybe its the stress, the lack of sleep, or the critics, but each time the office seems to take its toll. We need someone who can take the ageing element out of being President, by starting out younger.

We need heroes. We do. We treasure them. We look up to them. We respect them. But in a leader, we need someone who will use their reach to gather solutions, not reach out to their minions and encourage them to "kill the other guy." (See different messages that went out from both campaigns. Barack asking for suggestions, McCain asking his camp to continue to slander and defame the other guy.)

Can you honestly say that McCain is this leader?

Our Friend
The Respectful Republican

John McCain - Naval Aviator,0,7633315.story

John McCain - History of Regulation and Reform

John McCain - Family Man

John McCain - A Steady Hand

John McCain - Former Chairman of Commerce Committee Which Oversees Economy

John McCain - A Case For Solid Change From Bush Adminsitration

John McCain - Fiscal Responsibity

John McCain - Strong Record on Healthcare Reform

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A word about words...and rumors

One of the members of our team just got off the phone with a dear friend. The dear friend in question is a mormon from Utah, just so you understand her "media filter." Our contributor said, "I am so sorry, but until November 4th, McCain and Obama own me." You see, we've just been so very busy, there was no time to chat. Being a telephone conversation, as telephone conversations are want to do, our dear Utonian friend replied,

"Obama phones you?!!!???"

Don't believe everything you hear just because you "heard it." Do your own research. Get your eagle on.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

On Inheriting Greatness

"Being the son of a Four Star Admiral is alot like being the son of a Former President, and neither will accept actual responsibiltiy."
Abraham Lincoln

Friday, October 3, 2008

A Poll Walked Into A Bar

Must not sleep. Must process what I saw. Must go on.

People, those who know much more than I about history, say this is the most important time in the history of time. Seriously. They even have a chart.

Link you will have to cut, paste & piece together:

...or you could just trust me. It starts at 4000 BC, goes until 2008 AD, and it shows this is actually the most important time, when they take all factors into account, since humans have started keeping track of history, and in fact, since long before then.

Must drink more coffee, must shake off the fog. You can sleep in November. Open a window, let in some cold air, wake up, get your eagle on.

Issues they did not bring up in the debate:

Morning After Pill
Violence Against Women Act
Rick Davis
McCain's record with vets
Polar Bears
The incredible
economic collapse happening worldwide

Our other notes from the debate...
She was lovely and all, yeah, but I have to say, "Thanks, but no thanks for the MILF from nowhere." We are still talking Sarah Palin here who got a "D" in macroeconomics from one of the 7 colleges she attended before she managed to get a degree. God Bless her though, she's not a quiter.

The BBC reported she lost. Israeli News says Biden won. French AP says Biden won. So I'm going with, Biden won. For more details, sources and links, go to our cousin website.

Don't worry folks. We are fighting the good fight here. She might be able to bob and weave, but if you watched CSPAN afterwards, she wasn't all that sure how well she did. You could see it on her face as she chatted with relatives and stood at the feet of Joe Biden while he engaged her in talking about their sons.

Most important thing I can focus on, as my sight has gotten rather blurry with these marathon computer sessions, is that 71% of the uncommitted voters out there were reported as still uncommitted after this debate. That's the only Poll numbers I'm paying attention to, and that's the only job I'm gonna focus on. Although, you should know, that the BBC Poll shows that Democrats are registering voters at a rate of 50 to 1 compared to Republicans. 50 TO 1. Now, the question is, will these first time younger voters show up to the polls. The only polls that really matter.

To that end, we have put together a web page to do just that job

at If The Buck Stops Here, Shoot We have incredible, breathtaking pictures there, a few new articles worth noting, and tons more, so please take advantage of it. It is our sincere hope that our O'Biden page will be helpful in properly introducing The Fellas to any uncommitted soul that stumbles in.

Let's get 'em registered, and on that gorgeous day in November, crisp as it will be, let's wake 'em up, pick 'em up, and wheel them in. We are gonna take our country back folks! Yes, we are!

Ok, now I'm awake.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Red, White, & Boo: We thought Freddy Kruger was scary, but he didn't have jack on Freddie Mac!

This is what we can find on Freddie Mac's website. It speaks for itself, but let me get my eagle on and break it down for you...

Freddie Mac's Actual Website
Currently, on Freddie Mac's corporate website, please find their


Here they present a report on why people who can't afford homes should be put in them and supported with voucher and assistance programs. This was created BEFORE any of this talk about bailing them out!! See this mission statement below, present by Rick Davis.

Its purpose:

Homeownership has been a cornerstone of the country’s economic strength throughout the past decade. “State and local governments nationwide must expand their efforts to ensure that every family in America has the opportunity to own a home,” said Davis. “The more Americans we have owning homes, the stronger our economy and the greater the benefit.”
Report From Homeownership Alliance (HA) President Rick Davis.
(and here it is...)

HA Highlights Best Practices for Increasing Housing Affordability
A report released by The HA, a coalition of almost 20 organizations of which Freddie Mac is a charter member. The report identifies existing practices for increasing homeownership opportunities. “We hope this report will spark a much-needed dialogue on affordable housing programs.” said HA President Rick Davis. The best practices in the study fall into five categories and represent both demand-side efforts (e.g. homeownership tax credits, housing cost assistance programs and voucher assistance programs) and supply-side efforts (e.g. agency development initiatives and developer incentives).
Types of practices included:

Homeownership Tax Credits: Homeownership tax credits have helped tens of thousands of families become first-time homeowners.
Housing Cost Assistance Programs: Housing agencies in cities across the country, including Baltimore; Seattle; Riverside, Calif.; Phoenix; New York and Washington, provide funds for participants to use toward the costs of owning a home – i.e. down payments, closing costs and mortgage payments.

Voucher Assistance Programs: In recent years, locations including Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, have begun making federally funded Section 8 vouchers applicable to mortgage payments. With more than half of its residents living in Section 8 housing throughout the city, HACP has implemented a program allowing public housing residents and Section 8 renters to use their HA Payments toward monthly mortgage payments and expenses.

Agency Development Initiatives: In cities including Minneapolis, Minn.; Riverside, Calif.; Atlanta and Philadelphia, agencies are investing directly in increasing the supply of local affordable housing by rezoning or annexing land specifically for the purpose of affordable housing development, investing in the development of affordable housing or funding the rehabilitation of existing unoccupied housing properties. To date, the Philadelphia HA has invested in building four major developments located in communities close to schools, stores and parks and are affordable to eligible families, with mortgage rates as low as $700.

Developer Incentives: Chicago, Atlanta and Phoenix increased the supply of affordable housing. In the last two years, Chicago has created 466 affordable units because residential developers receiving discounted city land or using city financial assistance must set units aside for affordable housing. The program will help the city create 700 affordable units in the next three years.
And in closing, he ads...
Homeownership has been a cornerstone of the country’s economic strength throughout the past decade. “State and local governments nationwide must expand their efforts to ensure that every family in America has the opportunity to own a home,” said Davis. “The more Americans we have owning homes, the stronger our economy and the greater the benefit.”
Deep Breath. I'm trying not to yell. So, who's fault is this again? And why is Rick Davis still McCain's campaign manager? And lastly, and this one just spins me around, how is it that McCain is gonna 'clean up' Freddie Mac?

Feeling Impailed