Thursday, October 23, 2008

All Hat and No Cattle

Palin's campaign wardrobe has come to $150,000 since 9/4/08. I'd say that's All Hat and No Cattle, wouldn't you? Now, get a load of this:

Per Daily Kos, reported on October 21, 2008

Barack has had to resole his shoes during the campaign. That probably ran him, what? $10 - $50 bucks? Hmmmmmm. "Senator Obama was doing press interviews by telephone in a holding room between events. Sometime later as he was getting ready to begin his event, he asked me if I was photographing his shoes. When I said yes, he told me that he had already had them resoled once since he entered the race a year earlier. Providence, R.I., 3/1/2008." Great photos of his shoes and lots of other campaignin' stuff:

And, of course, we were lucky enough to have historical records. McCain quote from '93:
"The Amendment before The Senate is a very simple one. It restricts the use of campaign funds for inherently personal purposes. The Amendment would restrict individuals from using campaign funds for such things as home mortgage payments, clothing purchases, etc. If we are truly going to have campaign finance reform I do not believe that campaign funds should be used for such things as country club dues and tuxedos.. If we in Congress learned on thing from President Clinton's $200 haircut last week, it should be that the public does not approve of its elected officials being treated as royalty. We should be no different." End McCain Quote
. AND IN '94...McCain quote:
"Campaign fund have been used to buy such items as a Jumb Illuminated Globe from Hammacher Schlemmer, for trips to exotic locals such as Thailand, Taiwan and Italy, and for tuxedos and an unexplainable $299 for bow ties." End McCain Quote #2.
If the Palin wardrobe malfunction wasn't bad enough, it turns out the Republicans sure know how to spend our money. Go ahead, you know you're dying to ask. Who was the highest paid individual in Senator John McCain's presidential campaign during the first half of October as it headed down the homestretch? Not Randy Scheunemann, Mr. McCain's chief foreign policy adviser; not Nicolle Wallace, his senior communications staff member.

It was Amy Strozzi, who was identified by the Washington Post this week as Gov. Sarah Palin's traveling makeup artist, according to a new filing with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday night. Ms. Strozzi, who was nominated for an Emmy award for her makeup work on the television show "So You Think You Can Dance?", was paid $22,800 for the first two weeks of October alone, according to the records.

I've been an agent for a decade and a half. A makeup artist does not need to cost that much money for ANYONE, let alone the gorgeous and photogenic Sarah Palin.

Lisa Lindo aka ConcernedMilf

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