Saturday, October 25, 2008

What does it say?

This one is startling. Its the story about the white girl who cried 'tall black man wolf', and lied. Not new. But the way the police giving her a lie detector test instead of conducting a witch hunt does show that we have evolved....a bit. Although, it should be mentioned, the cops aren't total idiots to begin with. The B she said was carved into her cheek by the evildoer, was backwards.

MSNBC (video)

I have to disagree with Ms. Maddow. Not everything that woman said was a lie. She said,
"You are going to be an Obama supporter."
She was right, wasn't she.

Missed you guys. Been locked out of AOL, and "our" (my) web site so its been really hard to keep up. Spent a few days in bed with OpEd. Oh, that Ed....he can be such a tease. Placing endorsements and passing along info. Today was Endorse Obama day. So I made a short film, and sent it out to everyone I know:

You Made Me Love You!

So, if you love it, please pass it on or make your own 'Endorse a Candidate' project. Get involved. Get your eagle on. Don't fall for the name calling and fear mongering and tomato throwing. Just be creative and brave and state your opinions like an evolved member or the collective forms of energy of these United States Of America.


P.S. Many of you who know me write in and ask, "Why do you call yourself 'ConcernedMilf'? Simple. Concerned Cougar was taken.

P.P.S. Pray for grandma. She is here in Hawaii. Her injury is such that quite often people will pass on. Use every bit of blue and green light you can muster and project it to her on Ohau. See it wrapping around her and dancing and twirling to heal her. You never know.

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