Friday, October 3, 2008

A Poll Walked Into A Bar

Must not sleep. Must process what I saw. Must go on.

People, those who know much more than I about history, say this is the most important time in the history of time. Seriously. They even have a chart.

Link you will have to cut, paste & piece together:

...or you could just trust me. It starts at 4000 BC, goes until 2008 AD, and it shows this is actually the most important time, when they take all factors into account, since humans have started keeping track of history, and in fact, since long before then.

Must drink more coffee, must shake off the fog. You can sleep in November. Open a window, let in some cold air, wake up, get your eagle on.

Issues they did not bring up in the debate:

Morning After Pill
Violence Against Women Act
Rick Davis
McCain's record with vets
Polar Bears
The incredible
economic collapse happening worldwide

Our other notes from the debate...
She was lovely and all, yeah, but I have to say, "Thanks, but no thanks for the MILF from nowhere." We are still talking Sarah Palin here who got a "D" in macroeconomics from one of the 7 colleges she attended before she managed to get a degree. God Bless her though, she's not a quiter.

The BBC reported she lost. Israeli News says Biden won. French AP says Biden won. So I'm going with, Biden won. For more details, sources and links, go to our cousin website.

Don't worry folks. We are fighting the good fight here. She might be able to bob and weave, but if you watched CSPAN afterwards, she wasn't all that sure how well she did. You could see it on her face as she chatted with relatives and stood at the feet of Joe Biden while he engaged her in talking about their sons.

Most important thing I can focus on, as my sight has gotten rather blurry with these marathon computer sessions, is that 71% of the uncommitted voters out there were reported as still uncommitted after this debate. That's the only Poll numbers I'm paying attention to, and that's the only job I'm gonna focus on. Although, you should know, that the BBC Poll shows that Democrats are registering voters at a rate of 50 to 1 compared to Republicans. 50 TO 1. Now, the question is, will these first time younger voters show up to the polls. The only polls that really matter.

To that end, we have put together a web page to do just that job

at If The Buck Stops Here, Shoot We have incredible, breathtaking pictures there, a few new articles worth noting, and tons more, so please take advantage of it. It is our sincere hope that our O'Biden page will be helpful in properly introducing The Fellas to any uncommitted soul that stumbles in.

Let's get 'em registered, and on that gorgeous day in November, crisp as it will be, let's wake 'em up, pick 'em up, and wheel them in. We are gonna take our country back folks! Yes, we are!

Ok, now I'm awake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your website name & blogs.
intelligent observations.

The bottom line is, Obama is just too cool and smart to get angry.

S. Palin scares the crap out of me. She did herself in with the demand for more VP authority.