Friday, September 12, 2008

Why Isn't Obama Getting Angry?

Many of the pundits and bloggers out there are saying that Obama isn't outraged enough over the incredible Rovian tactics the Republicans are using against him. Well, I'm jewish, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and quote some scripture: "Blessed are the meak, for they shall inherit the earth." or something like that. I LOVE that Obama is calm. I LOVE that he looks at every situation as an opportunity to learn, grow, and become an even better problem solver. All this conjecture and screaming and warning on the part of the Republicans just make them out as a bunch of chicken littles to me. In order to have an INTELLIGENT leader who can solve our energy issues and the environmental issues facing the world today, we need to come to the table sober and even tempered. We need to be able to listen and incorporate a variety of ideas, instead of yelling, ignoring, firing, and sidelining those who don't agree with our current actions. Solving those energy and environmental problems will trickle down, or up, or sideways, however you want to put it, and help solve most, if not all, of our other problems like unemployment, our economy problems, health issues, food supplies, the reasons for Russia's war, the reason for our war in Iraq, etc. etc. He doesn't need to wave his arms and scream to be the best choice for President. Outrage, closeminded tactics, and old fashioned "western" ideals are what got us into this situation in the first place.

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