Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Once Upon A Time....

A Word on Love and Marriage.

Marriage was around a long time before the bible was. That's why the good book should not be an instruction guide for who to love. In fact, being gay was around a long time before the bible was. Its horrible and sad and unethical to take away basic human rights of anyone in the U.S. The right to love and marry is a basic human right and should not be controlled by an apparent majority vote of religious centric folk. Its embarrassing and historically something many of us will have to explain to our grandchildren in the future when acceptance is the norm and loving thy neighbor is the true way. It is in fact no one's business who a person loves. Its no one's business who a person marries. Since when does the state decide who you marry in the U.S.? Since this election. Horrible, nasty blight on an otherwise incredibly moving time in history. Bush started this useless debate to distract the public from what he was really doing as President. And those who were told that their religion agreed ate it hook, line and sinker. There are so many beliefs in so many different religions, but no one in the U.S. has passed a law saying I have to cover myself with a veil or pray 6 times a day. No one has passed a law saying I have to fast on certain days and atone for my sins on others. No one has passed a law that I must rest on Saturday or Sunday. Cows are not considered sacred and allowed to roam the streets in the U.S. All these other instructional books from religious organizations aren't allowed to slide over into political and national laws in the U.S. Why should the beliefs of SOME of the U.S. citizens be imposed on others when it comes to love and marriage. Its our generation's version of Jim Crow laws and its wrong on EVERY level. Humans have basic rights. Food, shelter, clothing, love. How dare the few dictate the basic rights of the many because of some book they believe in? If God created everything, then God created people who are gay. Even flowers change their sex when there are too many of one type in an area. It happens with some animals too. So it is completely natural. A book, printed on paper from fallen trees, is not natural. Love is natural. Laws that control who you can love are not natural and are unconstitutional. I, for one, will do everything in my power to have these hateful laws repealed. And those who support them should be ashamed of themselves and the way they let their religious beliefs be hijacked by haters.

Perhaps you can be helpful while we work to repeal it. I am not gay, but I plan to be helpful. I just don't think anyone should be robbed of the happily ever after endings we are all promised from our story books as children. We are all taught as we lay down to sleep and listen to fairy tales from our parents that true love is the goal. Even if you came from a horrible broken home, movies teach the same truism. Placing boundaries on who that true love can be just feels wrong. I don't want to be told who I can and can not love. Do you?

If you should feel the same way, please do something. Protest, or write your Senators or Congressmen. Write to your local paper. Sign petitions that come your way. Make your own video for free at OneTrueMedia.com and send it around or post it on You Tube expressing your thoughts. Write your vision for a better America in a letter to Obama at Change.Org. But please, do something. Don't let this incredible momentum be a huge step for mankind, but an embarrasing step backward for humanity.

lisa that one lindo
URL: IfTheBuckStopsHereShootIt.com
Twitter: lisalindo
Videos: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ConcernedMilf
Blog: http://concernedmilf.blogspot.com/
Citizen: The United States Of America -- born and raised!!

P.S. Keith Olbermann may have said it best,when he asked, Why?

Link to his Special Comment:

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